From The DAC Presidents Desk

Dear Members of the Dublin Arts Collective,

I hope this message finds you well and brimming with creative energy. I am writing to introduce myself as your newly appointed president of the Dublin Arts Collective. I am both humbled and excited to take on this role, and I am deeply dedicated to advancing our collective's mission - to foster, celebrate, and promote arts and culture in Dublin, the Tri-Valley, and greater East Bay areas.

My name is Julia Tomtania, and I have been an active member of this vibrant community, serving as the Members Show Chair. As an artist myself, I understand the challenges we face, the joy we find in our work, and the importance of promoting arts. I am committed to expanding the reach of our collective, enhancing the support we offer to our members, and showcasing the remarkable talent that resides in our community.

Each of your insights, ideas, and experiences are invaluable to our collective's growth and success. We are, after all, a collective and the strength of our community lies in our unity and mutual support. In the vibrant tapestry of the arts, every thread - every artist - contributes to the strength and beauty of the overall piece. The philosophy of "artists supporting artists" is a fundamental part of the Dublin Arts Collective. We stand as a testament to the power of unity. We are a diverse group of individuals, each with unique talents and perspectives, yet bound by a shared passion for the arts. Our strength lies not only in the promotion of our individual artworks but in the support and collaboration we offer as a cohesive unit. By supporting each other, we don't just enrich our individual practices; we elevate the entire artistic community.

Under my leadership, we will continue to uphold our commitment to fostering creativity and artistic expression in our community. I am eager to explore new avenues for exhibitions, workshops, and collaborative projects that will give our members opportunities to gain comradery, learn, grow, and shine.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly at Whether you have questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for welcoming me into this role. I am thrilled to embark on this journey with all of you and look forward to a bright, creative future for our Dublin Arts Collective.

Best regards,

Julia Tomtania

President, Dublin Arts Collective


April-May DAC Newsletter


JAN-FEB DAC Newsletter